– April Holley, Rock Hill, SC
Maybe the change you need is in the form of a color. Immerse yourself in the vibrant colors of fall. If you like your cut, keep it! But let’s make that cut pop with a vibrant red, cool brown or stunning gold.
As the seasons change, so should we! Have you ever looked in the mirror and felt you needed a change but did not know what? Well, let the staff at Rodney L. Barnes Hair Salon guide you in the right direction with a glamorous new color. Whether semi-permanent or a permanent color, we can turn your color nightmares into a dream come true. So don’t delay, call today!
The staff at Rodney L. Barnes Hair Salon would like to extend to you and yours happy holidays and to thank you for your patronage. You have a choice and to choose us is an honor that we do not take lightly. We will always strive to give you quality service and a comfortable atmosphere. Rest assured we have the knowledge and the know how to make your season bright.
Thank you,
Rodney L. Barnes and staff
My hair sheds a lot when I comb it everyday. Is my hair falling out? What can I do to stop it from happening?
As a General rule you will experience normal shedding of 150 strands per day however, if your shedding exceeds this amount and is constant you may have some additional issues present. Medication, hormone imbalance and even stress can alter your bodies chemical balance, which directly affects the growth of your hair. Address these issues with proper diet, rest and relaxation. Now in regards to your hair maintenance issues I would highly recommend you come into the salon for a free consultation so we can get you on a healthy hair regiment. This could also slow down the shedding process! Just remember shedding is normal, excessive shedding is not! Thank you for your question keep them coming!
Happy Holidays to the “Best” Salon in Rock Hill; the staff is very professional and knowledgeable. I have thoroughly enjoyed the experience and highly recommend them to all.
Thank you so much Adrienne, we are grateful for having opportunity to serve you!